Monday, September 20, 2010


I think overall I have pretty good kharma. Everyone makes mistakes and I know I've done things that have negatively affected my kharma but I have always tried to be a good and honest person in life. With that said, there are still many events in my life that I wish I could have a second go at. There are always going to be things that I wish I could change. If I had one day to do over again and change I would choose the day a very close friend of mine attempted to commit suicide. Even though their attempt was not succesful, I wish I could have known they were feeling that desperate. I wish I could have been there to comfort my best friend who was feeling that great of a desire to escape life. When I found out about what my friend tried to do I was more terrified then I have ever been but more than fear I wanted to be there. I blamed myself for not noticing and not doing something about it before it had gotten to this point. If I had the opportunity to be with them during that time I would give up alot for it. Even though my friend wasn't hurt at all by their attempt physically I know that the mental pain is still there. I wish that there would have been some way for me to help them avoid that truley tragic experience.

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